We deal primarily in wood and wood/canvas boats, and often have a few for sale. While we prefer to perform the work ourselves, occaisionally we will sell a boat in as is condition to a buyer determined to do the work themselves. If you have a boat you would like to sell, please contact us. However, please be aware that the market value of a boat requiring even moderate repair work will be less that what you might imagine. If you are seeking a particular craft, contact us to see if we might be of assistance. Thanks for taking the time to look around, and if you see something you'd like more information on, or might like to take for a test drive, please contact us.

16' Burleigh Falls cedar strip
Western red cedar on oak ribs, copper fastened. Stripped and refinished with 6 coats of varnish inside, 7 outside. New brass stembands and white cedar floorboards, and new black cherry kingplanks and coamings to match the kneeling thwarts. A nice looking boat to hang in the cottage, boathouse or just paddle. Price on inquiry

16' Canadian Canoe Company Model #50
Circa 1920s, a nice original boat that had light refinishing on the inside only, 20+ years ago. Planked in 4" western red cedar on white cedar ribs, after stripping and varnishing it makes for a very pretty combination. Boat is correct with slot screws throughout, and correct decals will be put back into place on completion, making for a historically accurate restoration. A somewhat rare boat, as later model 50s dont share the same lines or tumblehome. Contact us to commission its restoration for a stunning antique canoe, or to purchase it as is.

16' Chestnut Prospector, 1977
Purchased from the original owner after it had fallen into disrepair, without seats or thwarts and with rotted decks and gunwale tips so common on wood boats, this is a genuine Prospector that has inspired so many copies and variations continuing to this day. More of a no frills tripping boat and workhorse, we put back slat seats and new thwarts and decks, all in black cherry. The interior has 3 coats of marine enamel in the tradition of workboats of the North, and is ready for some hard use. Of course, leisurely padding and fishing or short overnite trips and river work would suit it just fine. Ready for canvas and the new owners choice of colours, we imagine it dark green with white script decals midship just under the new ash outer gunwales, although Bill Masons looked just fine in red. Contact us for more info and pricing.

15` Chestnut Chum
Fully restored, new canvas filler and paint. Decks, seats, thwart and gunwales white ash. Caned seats, new stembands. Superb solo paddling boat, same design as the Chum used by Omer Stringer. To purchase this canoe, please contact us for more info and pricing

17`Guide Canoe
Finely constructed boat, requiring new canvas. It will need new gunwales, and two ribs repaired in place. Boat can be used with varnish freshned, or for a great looking craft we recommend it be fully stripped, bleached and oiled before. To purchase it as is, or to commission its restoration please contat us.

15`Chestnut Chum
To have it restored, or to purchase as is contact us.

16`Peterborough Prospector
16` Prospector, sold as a Peterborough and built in the mid-fifties, at this point Peterborough was only building a few models of canoe, and this would have been constructed by the Canadian Canoe Company since these two companies were merged with Chestnut. This boat has different characteristics than a Chestnut built prospector, and to our eye a finer set of lines. It is more reminiscent of their pleasure boats, with much more capacity of course. This would be a fine boat to trip with, or just for use as a pleasure boat with excellent carrying capacity. This is a former Ministry of Lands and Forests boat, and was in service with the Government of Ontario for years. The Ministry of Lands and Forests was the forerunner of the Ministry of Natural Resources. We would be pleased to discuss its restoration or sale as is.